
Technology plays an integral role in our clients’ lives and businesses. Our attorneys are prepared to address legal and business issues relating to how IT affects you, your business, and your workplace.

We focus on legal considerations involving software, hardware, telecommunications, information services, the internet, and systems integrations, including:

  • Negotiation and documentation of computer hardware and equipment sales, leasing and service agreements, software licensing, consulting contracts, online services, and related ventures
  • Formation of new business organizations, capital investments, partnership agreements, mergers and acquisitions, stock offerings, and other transactions
  • Counsel concerning labor and employment matters, including the effects of technology on the workplace, privacy issues, employee relations, and noncompete agreements
  • Regulatory and government affairs assistance, including trademark and copyright protection and federal compliance
  • Counsel on social media practices in the workplace and legal implications
  • Litigation to resolve technology-related commercial, technical, and legal disputes